Every single day, new young artists and creatives are hatched on social platforms. Maybe it`s your story or series that goes viral and changes your life forever. The next African J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) will not be discovered by a publisher - it will be a story that goes viral on a social writing platform like aMARa
Find amazing stories written by super talented writers from around the continent. Explore the many different genres ranging from fanfiction, love stories, poems, diaries, crime stories, fantasy and much more.
Write and share your own stories, in any genre. Publish one chapter at a time and get ongoing comments, likes, new followers and be shared on social media.
Find a community that loves to read, write and share stories from across the continet. Meet people from all over Africa collaborate and build strong connections.
The aMARa platform gives you the ability to write, edit and collaborate with your peers - from any device, no matter where you are - write and create your stories the moment you get an idea or get inspired. Even better, all your stories and writing projects are stored securely in the aMARa cloud. There’s no need to wait, get started now - your award winning book project is not going to write itself!